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Global Brand Pioneers
Challenge: WIPO Challenge Process:
Download: Global Brand Pioneer Application Form: ( doc doc  |  pdf pdf )
Deadline: Tuesday July 30 - Thursday, October 17, 2013
Submission: Applicants must submit one (1) electronic copy and two (2) hard copies of this Application Form. Proposals must be submitted in BOTH hard copy and electronic copy before the deadline. Proposals shall be deemed to have been made on the date of mailing marked on the receipt (hard copy), and on the date the email was transmitted (electronic copy).
Hard Copy: .Asia Pioneers Commission
12/F, Daily House
35-37 Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Electronic: globalbrand@pioneerscommission.asia

In order to qualify for the Global Brand category, a brand must have or demonstrate:

  • Trademark registrations in multiple countries and/or regions, with at least one in Asia;
  • Significant investment into the development and promotion of the corresponding brand online and offline; and,
  • Substantial sales threshold in connection with goods and services associated with the mark.

The Pioneer Domains Program is not designed to replace the .Asia Sunrise process. The Global Brand Pioneer category is focused on global brand owners who are committed to the Asia community and is willing to work with DotAsia to encourage the adoption of the .Asia domain. A framework for evaluation similar to the Community Pioneer category will be used. The same marketing commitment deposit is required, which similarly will be returned based on marketing of the .Asia domain name.

Policies & Challenge Process:
General Policies
Challenge Process
Pioneer Contract
What's a domain name worth?